
Promoted content panels

These blocks are used on homepages, campaign pages and simple landing pages. The blocks are essentially large buttons that link to content pages. They are used to draw the user’s attention to common tasks and popular content.


Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--link this mode class will add underline on hover.

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--aqua-deep this mode class will add the panel background colour.

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--header-small this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--alert-heading this mode class will add green line below the text line and paddings from sides.

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--alert-text this mode class will add paddings from sides to the text line.


Aqua dee colour

This is the default colour for panels in the residents area of the website. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Forest green colour

This colour can be used on any homepage, campaign page or simple landing page. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use black text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--forest-green this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Keppel colour

This colour can be used on any homepage, campaign page or simple landing page. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use black text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--keppel this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Boston blue colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the business area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--boston-blue this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Selective yellow colour

This colour can only be used for panels that link to contact us pages. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use black text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--selective-yellow this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Pale sky colour

This colour can be used on any homepage, campaign page or simple landing page. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--pale-sky this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Victoria colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the council area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--victoria this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Amaranth colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the council area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--amaranth this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Twilight colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the council area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--twilight this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Swans down colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the council area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--swans-down this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Royal heath colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the council area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--royal-heath this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Keppel dark colour

This colour can only be used for panels in the council area where it is the default. For accessible colour contrast, this colour must always use white text.

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--keppel-dark this mode class will add colour to the panel.

Text line font sizes

Header giga

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--header-giga this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Header mega

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--header-mega this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Header xlarge

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--header-xlarge this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Header large

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--header-large this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Header small

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--header-small this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Text medium

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--text-medium this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Text large

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel__text-line--text-large this mode class will change the text line font sizes.

Using images

Image top

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--link this mode class will add underline on hover.

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--image-top this mode class will keep the image container above others.

Image left

Modifier classes

Container class .occlss-promoted-content-panel mod class .occlss-promoted-content-panel--image-left this mode class will keep the image container to the left.



  • New colour added .occlss-promoted-content-panel–amaranth
  • Colour class changed from aqua-dee to aqua-deep


  • Component added